Recapping CommuniBee Suite's Fundraising Campaign Feature

Recap: A Deep Dive Into Fundraising Campaigns

A Fundraising Campaign is a comprehensive tool designed to manage and track various fundraising activities. This feature allows you to create a central hub, where you can link and track activities such as silent auctions, raffles, events, product sales, sponsorships and direct donations. 

When the fundraising campaign is promoted, your guests can view the campaign, understand its purpose, and engage with the various fundraising activities—all in one place! 

As an admin, you will get a real-time overview of the campaign’s performance from a single dashboard! Track the number of views, measure the funds raised, and see the progress towards your fundraising goal with ease. You’ll even see a breakdown of funds raised by activity type – an invaluable insight for strategizing and optimizing future campaigns!

Read the full article to learn more about CommuniBee’s Fundraising Campaign feature.