Welcoming the First 56 Communities to CommuniBee Suite

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey – in just the first 70 days of CommuniBee Suite’s launch, we have welcomed 56 vibrant and diverse communities aboard! This achievement speaks volumes about the incredible support and trust our platform has garnered.

Read the full announcement on communibee.ca for more on this incredible milestone!

CommuniBee Suite offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to your organization’s unique needs. From eCommerce marketplaces and fundraising campaigns to event management and website building, CommuniBee Suite has it all. And best of all, organizations can pick and choose the features they want to use.

CommuniBee is perfect for

  • Charities & Nonprofits
  • Sports Groups
  • Parent-Teacher Associations
  • Senior-Serving Organizations
  • Online Businesses
  • Community Leagues and Associations